i have peaked!

“But this time, Lord you gave me a mountain.” - Elvis Presley

Boy oh boy - it’s been a long time since I wrote one of these. 

A really long time. 

Like Christmas 2021 long time. 

I got a part-time job in January and fell out of routine. And in the months since, I’ve been working to launch (push, drag, heave, pull) this Chasing Lion business off the ground. 

But I finally did it. 

After years and years and years and years of toil and struggle - held down by fear and doubt - I did what once seemed impossible. 

On Friday April 8th I launched Chasing Lion’s website - complete with products, projects, portfolios and processes. There’s a store. Services. Collaborations. AND my curriculum series - STORIES DEEP. Complete WITH prices. That’s right folks. After nearly 14 years of deliberation, procrastination, consternation and bouts of cognitive constipation (gross) I have finally shared my narrative-based curriculum with the world. 

*slow clap*


‘Is that a big deal?’

‘I didn’t know that was such a big deal…’

I know. I know.

People start businesses - all the time. 

People sell their wares and time and expertise - all the time! 

All kinds of people - are selling all kinds of things - all the time!

But starting and selling was just something I just couldn’t seem to start or sell… I couldn’t get over the hump. The incline was too steep. The ascent too high. The task to challenging.

Would my rope hold? Would my hands slip their grip? How hard will I fall? And much would it will hurt when I do. 

The fear and doubt held me back.

Until now. 

I have reached the top! 

Put myself into the world. 

I have peaked!

Mountains are funny things. Mysterious. Brooding. Beautiful. Made up of many parts. And if you’ve ever climbed a mountain you’ll know that they aren’t as simple as they appear from the ground. There can be numerous obstacles. Valleys, ledges, cliffs, plateaus, ridges, slopes. And it can be exhausting finding a path. Switch-backing up - and up - and up - in the ever-daunting pursuit of the peak. That single point of rock that sits above the rest. Reaching the peak is no small feat. An accomplishment in its own rite. It’s exhilarating. Breathtaking (literally). Totally worth the effort.

But here’s the thing: a mountain can have more than one peak. Large peaks. Small peaks. Peaks of all shapes and sizes. Peaks that coalesce into ridge-lines and ranges. And while climbing a peak is something to celebrate -  a peak is not the summit. 

A mountain can have many peaks. 

But a mountain has only one summit. 

The ‘summus’. 

Touching heaven.

Highest point. 

Top peak. 

And right now I am enjoying the view of this peak. Taking rest. Enjoying the sweeping view of my recent accomplishment. But my eyes gaze up. 

It’s the not the peak I am chasing after. 

It’s the summit. 

And I’m ready to keep climbing. 



‘Kids just need loving adults to show up’


what we have to give: Christmas reflections